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Webinar Guide

Lowering TCO
of Kubernetes

  • Expert analysis from Arun Gupta, Governing Chairperson at CNCF and Linux Foundation
  • Discover DevOps cost reduction tips and best practices for containerized environments
  • Explore the paradigm shift from incremental to holistic solutions for Kubernetes optimization.
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Download the Webinar Guide

Download the Webinar Guide

What's Included


Kubernetes Optimization Trends

Discover the latest trends and changes in the world of Kubernetes cost optimization

Holistic Approaches to TCO Reduction

Learn how digital native businesses are applying holistic Kubernetes optimization solutions

Automation for Scaling Kubernetes

Find out how autonomous optimization is helping businesses reduce TCO at scale

DevOps Cost Reduction Tips

Dive deep into the optimization strategies that are helping DevOps teams lower their Kubernetes costs

Multi-Layer Kubernetes Optimizations

Learn about the most effective optimization actions that can be taken on the Application, Kubernetes and Infrastructure layers