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Omdia Analyst Whitepaper

Optimization Analysis Whitepaper

  • Explore the 3rd party analysis of Intel Granulate, performed by global research leader Omdia
  • Get in-depth overview of Intel Granulate's technology and business benefits
  • Read the customer stories about how they optimized Big Data and Kubernetes workloads

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What's Included


Executive Summary

Absorb the key messages of the report, including efficient resource allocation, adaptive provisioning, and cost savings and scalability

Omdia Overview

Take a look at Intel Granulate from the perspective of one of the leading global technology research agencies

Use Cases

Get an in-depth look at how ironSource, ShareChat and Securonix were able to benefit from application performance optimization

Technology Overview

Find out how Intel Granulate optimizes any CPU running on Linux systems to decrease latency, reduce utilization and increase RPS

Business Benefits

Read about the comprehensive solution to complex challenges resulting in cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and optimized performance at scale.